Definition Type: ComplexType
Name: Plate
Type: PlateGeometry
Containing Schema: hcm-core.xsd
An individual plate object is unambiguously defined by following characteristics:

        Name of structural element: e.g. SHELL
        Name of plate strake: e.g. "A"
        Name or number of plate for corresponding strake: e.g. 1
        Side identifier: e.g. P or S Sample plate name: "SHELL.B.10.P"

A FlatPlate is a plate belonging to flat shipbuilding panel surface, e.g. a deck, a longitudinal or transverse bulkheads, etc. All vertices of the Polyline representing the outer or inner
    contours lay on the same plane. The global coordinates can be obtained by determining the global normal direction of the structural member (e.g. positive X dir. for Transv. Bhds, positive Y dir.
    for longitudinal bulkheads, and positive Z direction for Decks and Stringers).
Curved Plates are represented in Expansion Coordinates (e.g. in the Shell Expansion). The x coordinate is the global x coordinate of the ship. The y coordinate is the expanded frame contour at
    the corresponding x-position.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into name Drilldown into id Drilldown into installationDate Drilldown into materialId Drilldown into coatingRenewal Drilldown into steelRenewal Drilldown into maxDiminution Drilldown into builtThickness Drilldown into replacementThickness Drilldown into thickness Drilldown into side Drilldown into number Drilldown into strake Drilldown into memberIdXSD Diagram of Plate
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:complexType name="Plate">
            <p>An individual plate object is unambiguously defined by following characteristics:
					<ul><li>Name of structural element: e.g. SHELL</li>
                    <li>Name of plate strake: e.g. "A"</li>
                    <li>Name or number of plate for corresponding strake: e.g. 1</li>
                    <li>Side identifier: e.g. P or S Sample plate name: "SHELL.B.10.P"</li>
            <p>A FlatPlate is a plate belonging to flat shipbuilding panel surface, e.g. a deck, a longitudinal or transverse bulkheads, etc. All vertices of the Polyline representing the outer or inner
					contours lay on the same plane. The global coordinates can be obtained by determining the global normal direction of the structural member (e.g. positive X dir. for Transv. Bhds, positive Y dir.
					for longitudinal bulkheads, and positive Z direction for Decks and Stringers).</p>
            <p>Curved Plates are represented in Expansion Coordinates (e.g. in the Shell Expansion). The x coordinate is the global x coordinate of the ship. The y coordinate is the expanded frame contour at
					the corresponding x-position.</p>
        <xs:extension base="PlateGeometry">
            <xs:attribute name="memberId" type="globalId" use="required" />
            <xs:attribute name="strake" type="xs:string" />
            <xs:attribute name="number" type="xs:string">
                    <xs:documentation>A number denotes the individual plate item identification within a strake. According to the usual numbering system, any alpha-numeric character is permitted.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="side" type="locationType" use="required" />
            <xs:attributeGroup ref="thicknessParameters" />
            <xs:attribute name="materialId" type="globalId">
                    <xs:documentation>reference to mechanical properties</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="installationDate" type="xs:date">
                    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Date when the repair is being completed including welding and coating (if applicable), not the manufacturing date of the plate. Defaults to date of
							build of the vessel if not set.</xs:documentation>
Collapse Child Elements:
Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs
OuterContour OuterContour 0 (1)
InnerContour InnerContour 0 unbounded
ExpandedOuterContour ExpandedOuterContour 0 (1)
ExpandedInnerContour ExpandedInnerContour 0 unbounded
Mesh Mesh 0 (1)
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
id id Required
name name (Optional)
memberId memberId Required
strake strake (Optional)
number number (Optional)
side side Required
thickness thickness (Optional)
replacementThickness replacementThickness (Optional)
builtThickness builtThickness (Optional)
maxDiminution maxDiminution (Optional)
steelRenewal steelRenewal (Optional)
coatingRenewal coatingRenewal (Optional)
materialId materialId (Optional)
installationDate installationDate (Optional)
Collapse Derivation Tree:
Collapse References: