Definition Type: Attribute
Name: builtThickness
Type: positiveValue
Containing Schema: hcm-core.xsd
Use (Optional)
Actual material thickness to be built according to the steel drawing submitted to the classification society for approval. If not set,
thicknesscan be used instead. For CSR-vessels this value can be used to calculate the
voluntary thickness additionas difference between builtThickness and thickness. Any change to this value will affect maxDiminution in case of standard class rules.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of builtThickness
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:attribute name="builtThickness" type="positiveValue">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Actual material thickness to be built according to the steel drawing submitted to the classification society for approval. If not set,
					<code>thickness</code>can be used instead. For CSR-vessels this value can be used to calculate the
					<em>voluntary thickness addition</em>as difference between builtThickness and thickness. Any change to this value will affect maxDiminution in case of standard class rules.</xs:documentation>
Collapse Derivation Tree: