Definition Type: Element
Name: ShipYard
Type: Company
Containing Schema: hcm-sdt.xsd
MinOccurs (1)
MaxOccurs (1)
List of the yards incooperated in building this ship.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into email Drilldown into fax Drilldown into phone Drilldown into country Drilldown into zip Drilldown into city Drilldown into address Drilldown into nameXSD Diagram of ShipYard
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:element name="ShipYard" type="Company">
        <xs:documentation>List of the yards incooperated in building this ship.</xs:documentation>
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
name name Required
address address (Optional)
city city (Optional)
zip zip (Optional)
country country (Optional)
phone phone (Optional)
fax fax (Optional)
email email (Optional)
Collapse Derivation Tree: