Definition Type: Attribute
Name: sessionId
Type: globalId
Containing Schema: hcm-core.xsd
Use (Optional)
Unique reference to the measurement session where the measurement was taken. Useful for auditing purposes. Each measurement point with value shall be linked to exactly one session. Shall be empty if value is not set. If there is exactly one session, the measurement point is associated implicitly to that session. Otherwise the session id must be specified explicitly.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of sessionId
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:attribute name="sessionId" type="globalId">
        <xs:documentation>Unique reference to the measurement session where the measurement was taken. Useful for auditing purposes. Each measurement point with value shall be linked to exactly one session. Shall be empty if value is not set. If there is exactly one session, the measurement point is associated implicitly to that session. Otherwise the session id must be specified explicitly.</xs:documentation>
Collapse Derivation Tree: