Definition Type: ComplexType
Name: HullForm
Containing Schema: hcm-sdt.xsd
The data construct to represent of the hull shape of a ship. The locally defined elements
Sectionsof type
OffsetGeometryrepresent the hull geometry.

Note:Currently only the simplified representation by mean of offset geometry is provided. However by using the choice mechanism of XML Schema the type can be extended to support other kind of
representations as required.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of HullForm
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:complexType name="HullForm">
            <p>The data construct to represent of the hull shape of a ship. The locally defined elements
					<code>Sections</code>of type
					<code>OffsetGeometry</code>represent the hull geometry.</p>
                <b>Note:</b>Currently only the simplified representation by mean of offset geometry is provided. However by using the choice mechanism of XML Schema the type can be extended to support other kind of
					representations as required.</p>
        <xs:element name="Sections" type="OffsetGeometry" />
Collapse Child Elements:
Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs
Sections Sections (1) (1)
Collapse Derivation Tree:
Collapse References: