Definition Type: ComplexType
Name: Direction
Containing Schema: hcm-pdt.xsd
This entity defines a general direction vector in two or three dimensional space. The actual magnitudes of the components have no effect upon the direction being defined, only the ratios
i:jare significant.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into k Drilldown into j Drilldown into iXSD Diagram of Direction
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:complexType name="Direction">
        <xs:documentation source="ISO-10303-42/Section_4.4.14" xml:lang="en">This entity defines a general direction vector in two or three dimensional space. The actual magnitudes of the components have no effect upon the direction being defined, only the ratios
				<em>i:j</em>are significant.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="i" type="xs:double" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>The first component of the vector.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="j" type="xs:double" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>The second component of the vector.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="k" type="xs:double">
            <xs:documentation>The third component of the vector.</xs:documentation>
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
i i Required
j j Required
k k (Optional)
Collapse Derivation Tree:
Collapse References: